Critterthing's Web ♪

A little piece of the internet i can call my own..

last update: 8/19/24
Welcome to my website! Feel free to explore! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

Hi there! Welcome to my website. (◠‿◠)

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srry if this looks pretty weird n clunky rn im still workign on it :'3

also i recommend viewing this on a computer or something bc i made this on my dad's old computer which i think its windows 7??? idk tho but it looks bad on phones n stuff

buttons for my site r here!! <3
warning! music is very loud, even on lowest volume setting. idk how to adjust it, sorry :(


remember to eat on time for once
drink water

psst.. hey you. go click the cat in the top corner back at the entry page. she doesnt bite. no promises though.. hehe.

About me! <3// Im feeling..:Content and Calm

Hi, im Pers! i go by they/them (sometimes paw/pawself) and i idenify as gender-fluid, omnisexual, and aroace.

(forgot to finish this, il do it later)

??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
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